
shortcircuit avatar image
shortcircuit asked

AC-DC power supply to Orion DC-DC charger

  • I am using an Orion DC-DC 12/12-18A to charge a leisure battery from the starter battery.
  • I would like to charge the leisure battery while parked up with AC power.
  • Can I use an AC-DC power supply to the Orion?
  • Will the Orion draw more than 18A and fry the PSU for any reason?
  • Is there already a product that does this? e.g. an AC/DC-DC charger

The reason I dont want to buy a battery charger is that ive already got one in the Orion. Using a generic PSU will allow me to power my entire DC circuit and charge the battery via the Orion at the same time.

Thank you

orion-tr smartorion dc-dcorion
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3 Answers
djsmiley avatar image
djsmiley answered ·

Yes, you can, assuming the PSU has sufficient power. With a 18A charger, the input current can be 20-25A, depending on the voltage (eg when using a 12V power supply)

As long as the PSU can provide sufficient power, no problem. Only add a switch to switch between alternator and PSU.

Keep in mind you need to enable the Orion as well, so either switch the D+ wire as well to enable the Orion when on PSU, or adjust the PSU to sufficient voltage to enable engine detect (so the Orion thinks the alternator is running )

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shortcircuit avatar image
shortcircuit answered ·

Perfect thank you. I will over-size the PSU to be safe. Sounds like manually switching the Orion rather than matching the PSU voltage will be easiest but il investigate

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spidermoore avatar image
spidermoore answered ·

What would the risk be if it was an smaller PSU, such as a laptop power supply lets say 16V X 8amp (128 watts)?

In my little trailer, with EVERY LED light turned on, the DC load would be about 11 watts. Even the 12V DC fridge automatically uses AC when it is available. There would also be Lithium battery bank in-between the charging from the Victron 12/12-18 and the 11 watt load.

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