
billygoat avatar image
billygoat asked

Orion 12/24 15A only getting 75% power

Hey all. I have a truck camper setup with 2 100ah lithium batteries in series for a 24v system. I ran 4awg cable from the 2022 Tundra starter battery to an Anderson connection in the bed of the truck (about 12ft) and then another 3 feet of 4awg to a fuse block where I switched to 6awg for 2 feet into the Orion 12 | 24. This is an isolated Orion with a round trip of about 35ft of 4awg.

I never get over 12 amps (normally 10amps while driving) from this system. I originally thought it was the known overheating issue so I installed a computer fan behind the Orion and this hasn't helped. While completely cold I get about 11.5 amps and then it drops to 10.

Troubleshooting steps I have tried:
check voltage along the system

- 14.2 at the starter battery

- 14.15 on the other side of the fuse at the battery
- 13.6 at the Anderson connector
- Orion saying 13.45 at the end (about a 5% drop)

I have lowered my engine cut-off to 12.8 and also completely disabled the engine detection cutoff completely with no change to the input voltage.

The system is drawing 0.4 amps while everything is off so I have factored that into the input numbers from the Orion.

I drained the battery to 4% and tested with my 120v charger and the battery takes 60amps from that so the bms is willing to accept the charge.

I'm out of ideas for why this isn't working to full capacity besides the cable run/voltage drop. But I understand that it should still be putting out full power even with the drop if the engine detection is off. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

orion-tr smartorion dc-dcorionorion smart
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Which model of 12/24?
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billygoat avatar image billygoat kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Orion Smart H02201RXROP 12|24 15A Isolated

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billygoat avatar image billygoat kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I have also tried to adjust my output voltage but it will not go above 26.6v even if I change the settings to power supply and set the output to 28.5v. Not sure if this is why it isn't able to charge with more current.
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1 Answer
billygoat avatar image
billygoat answered ·

Temp probe is not accurate. Unit is about 45degrees F


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img-8953.png (240.6 KiB)
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