
hoogland avatar image
hoogland asked


Im basically a novice to victron here , i heard only good things about the victron community this far. I hope I dont get blasted for asking questions that are too simple for the experts here.

Ive just watched a video titled;

ESS (Energy Storage System) Webinar | 19 December 2016 | Victron Energy

I would like someone to explain what is meant by ''PV on the AC INPUT'' of a ac coupled system. Could someone show me via a more detailed wiring diagram what is meant by this , it reads confusing to me because it sounds like you're wiring pv wires to an actual ac input. I would like to see the actual terminals where the wiring of the pv would go into inverter setup like this .1685697607760.png

wiring diagram
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·

Hi @Hoogland

It's difficult to answer without typing paragraphs. Maybe a watching few more videos might clear things up. This explanation will be oversimplified (missing safety devices but will hopefully help clear things up a bit)

The AC coupled PV inverter isn't directly plugged into the Multiplus. It's just on the circuit that are also connected to multiplus on AC Side.

ie Your house distribution board has grid input. It also has grid tied PV inverter connected. And all of your loads run off this distribution board.

Then you decide to add a new circuit breaker and add a multiplus ii, this breaker would wire into ACIN on multiplus.

Assuming you have (supported) energy meters on grid coming into distribution board and also energy meter on PV generated the Victron system can use that information to calculate what power loads you're using need and output just enough power to cover them or take power in and charge batteries. Almost like the multiplus is feeding just enough power back up the line to cover your loads on the ACIN side of the inverter.

However if grid goes down the multiplus (and the AC coupled PV) will turn off to prevent exporting power out to the grid and hurting someone if they're working on the line.

Basic layout:

grid -> Loads + AC coupled PV <-> ACIN multiplus

If however you instead had the grid going straight into multiplus (before the house loads) on ACIN and had all of your loads connected to a different distribution board "after" the multiplus on ACOUT1 the loads will stay on if the grid goes down and you've essentially made you own mini grid. If you also wire in the AC coupled PV on ACOUT1 it will also stay on (have to adhere to factor of 1 rule)

grid <-> ACIN multiplus ACOUT1 <-> loads + AC coupled PV

I like to think of it as ACIN is "before" the multiplus and ACOUT is after multiplus. The only added confusion is the multiplus is smart enough to send power out to ACIN as well as take it in.

The ESS page might make things easier to understand:

ESS Quick Installation Guide [Victron Energy]

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hoogland avatar image hoogland matt1309 commented ·
Thank you very much. You have cleared a cloud over my mind . Im looking forward to learning more about the products on Victron and becoming part of the Victron community. Hopefully I can contribute to others on here too when have sufficient knowledge
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

The "PV Inverter" in your diagram, is called a Grid-Tie Inverter.
Below is a link, (older article) AC COUPLED diagram, showing how a Grid-Tie Inverter can
be combined with a Victron MultiPlus or Victron Quattro ...
NOTE: The PV wires connect directly to the Grid-Tie Inverter and/or
the Victron MPPT Charge Controller.

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