
bibop38 avatar image
bibop38 asked

60hz vers 50hz Multiplus 48/800 ?


Je vois que mon multiplus peut accepter jusqu'à du 65hz en entrée, est-ce que cela ne pose pas de problème d'y faire entrer du 60hz pour lui faire sortir du 50hz ? ou est-ce qu'il accepte du 60Hz uniquement quand il est en 60hz aussi en sortie ?

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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

When supplied with AC power, the MP syncs to the source. If 60Hz is supplied, 60Hz will be the output.

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bibop38 avatar image bibop38 commented ·

Thank you for your reply. Does this mean that it's impossible for me to power my network at 50Hz if I connect my generator which outputs 60Hz? Is there a possible solution?

Can't I force the Multiplus to output at 50Hz? It can't change the frequency?

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snoobler avatar image snoobler bibop38 commented ·

When AC is connected to the input, it passes through the input directly to the output for loads and uses the input to charge the batteries.

You can't have an output that is different from the input.

It may help to understand that the components, most importantly the transformer, in the unit are used for both inverting and charging. As a result, it can only invert OR charge - never both at the same time.

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bibop38 avatar image bibop38 snoobler commented ·

So I can charge my batteries using my 60Hz generator as long as I disconnect the output from the MultiPlus that goes to my domestic network, which is 50Hz, to protect it... Have I understood correctly?

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snoobler avatar image snoobler bibop38 commented ·

Additionally, if this is a standard generator running at 3600rpm, if you can reduce to 3000rpm, it will run at 50Hz.

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bibop38 avatar image bibop38 snoobler commented ·

My generator is equipped with a slow-running Caterpillar diesel engine, operating at around 1500 rpm. I am going to explore solutions in this direction and check if a speed modification is possible in my case.

Furthermore, I'd like to ask, does the frequency need to be extremely precise, or can it operate within a certain margin of error, say between 48Hz and 52Hz?

Snoobler, I truly appreciate your insight and assistance on this.

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Thierry Cortassa (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Thierry Cortassa (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

moins le signal est précis en entrée, plus, il sera facilement rejeté par le système. idem si il y a beaucoup de fluctuation, il sera difficile pour le convertisseur de suivre le signal

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bibop38 avatar image bibop38 commented ·
Ok merci, je vais évidemment essayer d'avoir une fréquence la plus précise et stable possible
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