Usage: small travel trailer, moderate usage but needing more power to get through nights running danfoss chest/cooler fridge (outside) and inside small danfoss fridge, when it's hot out. Plus lighting, and charging up various other bits.
I've currently got a BattleBorn 12v 100Ah battery, and I'm looking for 200+Ah (not going to describe fuse setup, it's sufficient with fallback Class-T at the battery). I'm contemplating switching to Victron LFP so I can tie into the rest of my current Victron systems (BMV-712, MPPT 150/50, Orion Tr Isolated 12-12 18a) for monitoring/etc of the battery, which BattleBorn doesn't have, which would be a nice to have.
I could just add a 100Ah BattleBorn, or upgrade the newer 270Ah BattleBorn, but the monitoring/integration could be nice.
However, upon reading closer, it looks like the Victron LFP doesn't have an integrated BMS in each battery pack? But it does have in-pack cell balancing? I'm getting confused now, so it had no built-in protection at all from over-current or over-voltage or anything like that?
So I'd need both a Smart BatteryProtect as well as a BMS, such as smallBMS or VE.Bus BMS V2. Seems overkill for my system, I'd just like cell health monitoring and such, but seems like Victron isn't for small systems with limited space :(