
matt-b-1 avatar image
matt-b-1 asked

Grounding off grid setup

I have a caravan, that is completely off grid.

I am trying to understand how to safely earth my inverter, which has a ground terminal that the manual says needs to be grounded.

After the inverter I have a consumer unit, which has an earth bar.

I've seen other posts such as the following, that state the ground should be connected to the caravan chassis:

But my understanding is that the caravan chassis is insulated due to the tyres, doesn't this mean the caravan chassis is not a suitable grounding point?

Would I therefore need to buy an earth rod and connect the grounds to the earth rod instead?

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2 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Is this a mobile unit or stationary? We do not pound in a new ground rod for mobile units. Are you ever going to connect to a pedestal - which is grounded? USA or Europe?

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matt-b-1 avatar image
matt-b-1 answered ·

Europe and mobile.

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user33 avatar image user33 commented ·
I have the same question. Did you get any answer?
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Related Resources

Ground, earth and electrical safety

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic