
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj asked

VE.Bus Overload L1 without any reason - Multjeplus

I added second battery to existing, rewired everything. No heat build up, all seems properly wired.

EXCEPT now i started getting Overload L1 warning with consumption not being anywhere near specified max output of 3000VA (for example Warning L1 on 1000W consumption). T is around 20C, VRM is logging at 1m.

How can i fix this?


MultiPlus-II 24/3000/70-32

Firmware version 502
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


It's probably a millisecond ac spike that VRM can't pick up because it's too granular. But the Multi can, and is reporting it. In your charts a couple of them seem to coincide with a load, the alarm possibly from starting that load.

I get this from a household pressure pump. I once replaced it's start capacitor, and that fixed it for a year or so, but it came back, and I ignore it now. The Multi can handle it.

If you look in the VRM Alarm Logs it may say cleared after ~20 sec, but it will do that always, even for a mS event. There's nowhere I'm aware of where it actually records how high it went.

Consider also the possibility that it's telling you that your load is actually faulty.

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jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·



Only loads running are fridge (50W) and dehumidifier, around 200-300W.

The problem is this is the new behavior, and was not present last year, with same loads. All loads are 1-2 years old.

Warnings being triggered with lower consumption than 2500W.

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ol-3.png (65.9 KiB)
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jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

Compressor dehumidifier seems the culprit. Even if only 300W working watts, when i have some additional loads running (around 1000W), it seems to consume so much it triggers overload.

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