
drumond avatar image
drumond asked

phoenix 12/375 inverter grounding in a camper van / rv


I live in France.

In ma van, I would like to install the Phoenix inverter 12/375.

The notice says it must be grounded to the earth...

Can I use the van chassis instead of the earth to ground the inverter? Would it still be hazardous?

For security reasons, I am considering installing a differential circuit breaker at the output of the inverter. Would it be useless as the ground being the vehicle chassis instead of the earth? Would the circuit demain hazardous, even with the differential breaker?

Thank you.

Groundinginverter current draw
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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

Hi @drumond

this should be answered by a qualified electrician on site.

If you are not a trained electrician, or know exactly what you do, you should not install life saving devices without professional advise on site.



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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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