
pekkaj avatar image
pekkaj asked

Multiplus II mounting screw locations

Anyone got measurements (for CAD) where exacly are the two botton screw holes that are used to secure Multiplus into wall? I have the top mounting plate hole locations only.

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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Do you mean this?


(picture of a 5kVA unit)


(picture of a 15kVA unit)


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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj commented ·

Now that checked the feet have holes in them. Thanks!

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anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

It would be necessary to know which model specifically of MPII you are referring to? Either way this information is in the last few pages (the appendix) of the respective manual. Example below:

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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj commented ·

I have the 3000VA model. Maybe they are the 4x 6mm holes that are 445mm and 230mm apart where the rubber feet are screwed in?

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anthony avatar image anthony pekkaj commented ·
Can you be more specific on the model? The answer to your question is in the link above I sent. Are you having difficulty opening the link?
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pekkaj avatar image
pekkaj answered ·

No one knows where the bottom screw holes are?

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anthony avatar image anthony commented ·
Which model specifically? Did you check the appendix in the manual?
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you look at the product page? There are documents and 3D files available.

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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj commented ·

Yes, no mention of the screws. It seems to be a big secret.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ pekkaj commented ·

I'm confused

What exactly are you looking for? Can you make a picture/screenshot?

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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

When Multiplus is mounted vertically on wall with the included top bracket, it is supposed to be fastened to wall also with two botton screws. Atleast that's what I think, no idea where those bottom screw places are.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ pekkaj commented ·
There are 39 different models listed on the link that @Matthias Lange - DE posted. There are 18 different 3000VA models.

How do you expect us to help you when you ignore polite requests to be specific about which unit you have?

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pekkaj avatar image pekkaj kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Sorry the model is Multiplus II 12V 3000VA 120 230V

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