
faure avatar image
faure asked

More details on the ground relay

Greetings Victron Community

Can someone provide more details on the internal ground relay itself. Are there any specifications and/or standards the relay is adhering to and what other safety features are included to ensure the ground relay is always in a working condition and that the neutral earth bridge is properly established.

Thank you in advance

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1 Answer
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

@Faure When in inverter mode, If you check voltage on output between neutral and earth and it is zero, the ground relay is working.

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faure avatar image faure commented ·
Dear Trevor, thank you and noted. I however would like to know what specifications and/or standard does that relay and the working of that relay adhere to as this is a critical safety feature for networks with TN-S earthing arrangements. I expect this relay not to be a standard of the shelve relay, hence the request for more technical details. Would you be able to assist?
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Trevor Bird avatar image Trevor Bird faure commented ·
@Faure sorry I dont have the details of the exact relay.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Trevor Bird commented ·
The simplest way is to open the unit, look at the relay and look it up online.....
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ faure commented ·
If you search for ground relay errors on the victron site you will find a lot of information.
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faure avatar image faure nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you Nick, I did find that information and that was helpful. The other posts did not provide clarity on specifications and/or standards the relay and the monitoring that goes with it adheres to. Really hope someone would be able to assist.
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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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