My Lead Acid OPzS battery bank is "becoming smaller" as I continue to load the system more an more. Initially I sized the system for 20% DoD, but now in next winter I am afraid it may reach 40 to 50% or even more.
I have now the chance to get a good priced set of Winston LiFePO4 90Ah cells and I was thinking to build a smaller independent system to offload some of the work of the main system.
I allways thought it would be not advisable to put lithium in parallel with lead acid, but the more I think of it, the less crazy it seems. My LA system is 24V based, the 8 cell Winston would be 25.6V nominal. I would source a 3rd party BMS to manage the lithium. Maybe the BMS can take care of the issues - disconnect in low and high side of the daily swings.
I actually have found a product to make hybrid battery banks (BOS - LE300) so maybe this isn't so crazy after all.
To install in parallel and monitor the 2 strings I was thinking if it would be possible to use a separate BMV on each string (Lithium and OPZS). Is this possible, using 2 BMVs on same Venus device?