
jdb avatar image
jdb asked

charge current limit not reached but cannot go higher, don't know why/which softlimit has been hit

Charge current limit is not reached and it refuses loading more than 260Amp

3 quattro 10000 (3 phase setup) – 14 pylontech US5000 batteries

CCL is 1120Amp – (1120amp/14batteries=80amp)

Graph shows that it sticks at 260amp (260amp/14batteries=18amp)

Quatro10000 has charge current limit of 140amp *3=520amp + the genset can deliver 25kVA, but it only has to give 15kWatt while it can do more.

Which softlimit has been hit and how to increase the charge current please ?

chargercurrent limitquattro 10kva
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jdb avatar image jdb commented ·

in addition, not an answer



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5 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @jdb

You need to look too at the settings within the Quattros themselves. It's quite common to have lower default settings on Charge A. Also the AC Input limits.

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jdb avatar image jdb commented ·

AC input is 40A or 35A, which corresponds with 35*380*1,7=22,6kW.

Charge current limit is 140A on Quattro *3 = 520Amp

so thanks, but these are not the limiting parameters


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ jdb commented ·
Have you tried without "weak AC input' set?
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Untick the WeakAC. That will definitely reduce charge. If it won't then accept the genset, then you'll either have to live with it or find out why.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·
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jdb avatar image
jdb answered ·

Thank you, it is better with unchecking 'Weak AC input', now instead of 12,8kw, it loads 15kW from genset into batteries. Unfortunately this is about 300amp, not yet the limit of 3*140=520amp. So still something limiting in the Quattro

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jdb avatar image
jdb answered ·

graph now with unchecking Weak AC


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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

What is your ACINPUT current set at?

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

keep in mind that the batteries bms also has control over the charging as it maybe holding the voltage low as one cell is full, in time the bms will slowly correct this. please note that the bms is in full control of the charging and it will throttle the charge if needed, when a bms is interfaced the voltage settings in the quattro are ignored.

you could try disabling the bms and returning control to the quattro, to help isolate the issue

also the bms may need some setting changes, ???

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

It is a good point as he can see if the Pylontech BMS has limited something. I will be surprised as the only time the BMS lowers mine is when it hits "SOC when bulk finished" of 98%" He still has quite some breathing room unless temperature or such kicks. There is no control over the BMS other than the charge voltage settings, which for Victron is set fixed at 52V as opposed to the BMS 53.2V limit,


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