
tim-beta avatar image
tim-beta asked

can you parallel the invertor (batteries) and AC (Generator input) on a Quattro 48v

I'm working with a 10000 48v quattro, the generator input is limited to 7kw however the charger output can be 7kw meaning the is nothing left for general AC load. This causes the generator to drop out if any AC load is added. I found a post explaining how to disable the charger (thank you Mark). but i wont to know if you can get the Quattro to sense the high AC load and use the batteries in parallel with the generator? Or is disable the charger automatically allowing the full 7kw to pass though

chargerGeneratorquattro 10kva
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The Quattro/Multiplus already has this capability. Victron call it 'Power Assist'. It should be enabled by default.

What I suspect is your genset can't handle the instant load increase well. It's power goes off-spec just a little as it tries to wind up, then the Quattro rejects it.

Try enabling Dynamic Current Limiter in the generator input of the Quattro. This is like a soft-start, and will give the genset a few seconds to adjust. The Quattro will invert while this is happening. There's a few other things you could look at too..

There shouldn't be any need to adjust charging, as this will automatically back off to honour the input limit. Go easy with that limit too, not all gensets can do what they say.. Maybe start a bit lower and work up.

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tim-beta avatar image tim-beta commented ·

Thank you, ill give this a go

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MultiPlus Generator FAQ

GX - Generator auto start/stop

Automatic Generator start/stop

 Hybrid Generators

Virtual switch - Generator start/stop


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