We build overland van electrical systems - solar - battery - DCDC charging, and shore power. I use Victron products almost exclusively and know most of them fairly well. For the most part less is more on these builds , but lately I am getting more than a few requests for remote montitoring options as many people store their vans and want to keep an eye on their battery state / security cams etc while they are not there. Most of my builds have an LTE modem with WiFi, multiple security cams and we use either a Victron or Simarine Pico BMS. We have been using IP22, MPPT 100 | 30 and Orion Smart devices. After looking at the CERBO device , it seems like a great option to use to tie all the products together, so I decided to purchase one and do some experimentation on . Sadly, I immediately discovered it is ABSOLUTELY USELESS with most Victron products - especially all those above that have V.E. Network capability. Why ?
I guess the glaring question I have here is if Victron has gone through the trouble of allowing comms with smart devices through the VE Network , why didn't they tie that also to the CERBO ? There are many benefits of being able to remote control, setup or monitor the devices above and many would like to do so- except they can't. To make matters worse, it seems that the VE Network really does not do much either. I had all the devices that support it tied to a network and I did not see one single thing that would be of use for my customers.
So - if one is outfitting a Prevost and spending $10K in power gear the Cerbo might work on those devices - but the rest of the Victron product line is severly lacking support for it so if we are using IP and Orion chargers we are out of luck on remote monitoring ?