I Though this was solved yesterday but this morning away the sky hi voltages went again
MP II 48 5000 FW 459
Venus GX FW 230/51
BMV 700 Fw 3.1
ESS used and in position one on the assisstant list
The system voltage again last night just kept on increasing last night it went up to 59 volts, when float is set at 54.5 and absorption set to 56.3 in the MP II
The alarms were all going off this morning so I have just turned the mains off to remove the charging for the time being.
I tested this at 11 to 12 midday yesterday as per the graphs below and the voltage did everything it was supposed to ie upto 56.3 and all the cells then balanced to 3.5 volts and then the OV protect turned on in the BMS and the MP II disconnected charge and the voltage dropped away AS IT SHOULD.
then as per the VRM its just slowly increased again
Now EVEN with the BMS OV Protect TURNED ON using the VE-BMS ie the red led is on, on the VE BMS unit
With this on, ALL charging should be turned OFF why are we getting continual charging,
As the below Screen shots from the VRM
When the voltage went sky high and the charger was in float mode for the last 4 hrs, at the end it changes to inverter as I turned the mains off.
even form 1pm on you can see the voltage slowly rising but the OV on the BMS protection was still on as this is not released until the SOC reduces to 80% . SO the Charger should be off and no charge should be posable.
I have seen a few other posts with BYD batterys showing the same high voltage issue, but I cant see any resolution posted.