
grzegorz-gierszewski avatar image
grzegorz-gierszewski asked

The battery discharges with a large current when the BMS stops charging

Hi, I have 3 phase system Quattro-II with emus BMS, 3 x MPPT and PV AC inverter. Many of my systems with emus BMS works good but I have problem with one of them.

After fully charged, emus BMS disable charging and then batteries drain to grid with full current 280A. The same is when the BMS is charging and I manually disable the charging in the BMS. Batteries are immediately discharged into the grid without control. DVCC is enabled. It is only works good when I turn off DC-coupled PV feed in excess. Then after stop charging its ok.
In other systems with emus I don't have such a problem.


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jack-stevens avatar image jack-stevens commented ·

I am having the same issue currently, did you end up finding a solution?


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pvnic avatar image pvnic jack-stevens commented ·
Hey Jack, have you find ja solution? I habe the same issue. Thanks
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3 Answers
josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

You don´t have by any chance D-bus serial battery driver installed? I just posted this on the GitHub forum, as I have the same mysterious battery dump after installing.

<After finally (after some bumps) finishing the installation of Dbus SB I found that a sudden Grid feed-in of >4000w was taking place.

I just installed dbus-serial battery drivers and did not change any other parameters.
I allways have AC and DC grid feed in switched on. I was forced to switch them off to avoid a total drain of the battery (I presume)
There are no alarms or messages.

**VenusOS 3.0

  • Device type: Color Control GX
  • Firmware Version 3.0~36


  • Daly 250A smart BMS
  • Cells: 16 LiFePo 250 Ah
  • Interface: USB-RS485 (factory standard DALY) >

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pvnic avatar image
pvnic answered ·

Is there an answer to the Problem ?

My Emus Control Unit set Status Charging Finish and the MP are drain to the grid with 280 Ampere. After Reset the Control Unit its okay.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

First thing to do is to move to the latest Venus, currently 3.3.

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pvnic avatar image pvnic commented ·
Thank you, It is on 3.3
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