
tschirch avatar image
tschirch asked

DC input current in idle mode of Multiplus-II

How is the DC current consumption in idle mode of Multiplus-II?

Multiplus-IIinput current
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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
In idle are you referring to the inverter having no load on the AC output.

Are you referring to the DC power consumption of the unit in this state?

The answer really depends on a few factors, one of them being how it is programmed, another is the systen voltage and which model unit you are referring to.

But there is something on the datasheet referring to power consumption for the models.

See the bottom of the product page here.

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tschirch avatar image
tschirch answered ·

Hi Alexandra,

yes, I want to know how big is the DC-current which discharge the battery while no AC-load is connected and no power is generated by the Multiplus II.

I have a MP II 48/3000/35 with one Pylontech US3000C connected to.

It can be that the current have a level of 80mA. This seems not much but with a voltage of 50V we get 4watts.

I can't find anything in the data sheet to this subject.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Watts ÷ voltage = amps.

So if you are seeing 4w on the ac from dc what you are seeing is correct.

the idle spec is given in the datasheet is ac but you can convert with the formula. W = VA

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alexandra ♦ commented ·


11w divide by the voltage of the system (in this case battery voltage) that will be the amperage drawn from the battery.

So if your battery is 56V;

11W ÷ 56V = 0.196A

If your battery is 48V then;

11W ÷ 48V = 0.229 A

Dont forget you may have other DC consumers like a GX and MPPT.

The formula is

Voltage x amperage = wattage.


Wattage ÷ voltage = amperage.

Wattage as a power consumption figure does not care about whether it refers to AC or DC. It is universal to the two.

AC is alternating current grid power)

DC is direct current or battery related power.

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

The data sheet for that inverter says the zero load power is 11 watts.

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tschirch avatar image
tschirch answered ·

Sorry, but what is "4w on the ac from dc". I don't understand.scan-112137.jpgIidle = ?

I'm interested in this current. Ok?

BR, Steffen

scan-112137.jpg (73.3 KiB)
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tschirch avatar image
tschirch answered ·

@Trevor Bird The 11W is the idle consumption on AC connection. This is in the data sheet and I know this.

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Trevor Bird avatar image Trevor Bird commented ·
@tschirch The 11 watts is not the consumtption "on AC Connection" if that means being connected to grid. The 11 watts consumption is draining the battery when in inverter mode with no AC load on the output of the inverter.
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