
tmalcolm avatar image
tmalcolm asked

schematic verification

Hi all,

I've attached the wiring diagram I'm planning to implement.
I would greatly appreciate anyone taking a look and letting me know if I've miswired something, overlooked a safety concern, have redundancies or did something that will initiate a fusion reaction. :)

Control lines for the Cerbo GX and between the smart battery protect (SBP) and the inverter are not shown.
Thanks so much!

design with all components-rev1.pdf

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5 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

All looks fine.


the breakers on the dc to dc units maybe to large so check the wiring sizes.

also i do not see any bms control systems or solar.

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tmalcolm avatar image
tmalcolm answered ·

Hi Paul,

Appreciate your response!

I will not have solar in the van. And the battery is Battleborn so the bms is integral to the battery. I'll reconfirm the dc-to-dc unit breaker sizes.

I'm especially concerned about the AC ground and neutral connections in concert with the DC grounding. What are your thoughts there, still nominal?

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

never hurts to ground everything incase of a lightning strike etc this includes the dc connection and should be tied to the battery negative, in my opinion, usually at the inverter ie bat neg to case then case to the grounding system.

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tmalcolm avatar image
tmalcolm answered ·

Thanks Paul

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Could be simplified and I didn't go through in detail. Would be easier to understand with a left to right flow.

Not sure why you have a switch between vehicle battery and Orions. If you want to switch them manually, use the L/H terminals on the Orions. Low current, easy switching.

Consider this - fuses/breakers are for wiring protection.

Use fuses more. Unless you need a breaker, don't use them. Fuses more reliable, and in a well set up system, they don't blow.

Fuse as close to positive source as practical. If you have charger/battery positive connection, both ends need a fuse as both can be positive source.

The connection of the Orions to the vehicle battery has three breakers. Can safely be reduced to two.preferably fuses.

You haven't given cable details.

Potential for Orions to overload/burn out alternator.

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