
simon-jukes avatar image
simon-jukes asked

Expanding battery storage


I am approaching the stage where I will be adding more battery storage to my system as funds will soon be available

Currently, I have a Multiplus 2 48/3000 with 1 * Pylontech 5000 battery (100ah), the 48/3000 is more than sufficient for 99% of my daily peak load, I have 4kwh peak AC tied solar and also cheap rate electricity in the night (UK) which I can use to charge up the batteries on low solar output days

Am I now best to stick with Plyontech for expanding the storage or can I purchase 16 Evo LiPo4 cells, a BMS and a Victron smart shunt and add more storage this way. This method seems more cost effective / kwh than the Pylontech modules but would the MultiPlus operate correctly we the 2 types of storage?

Thanks in advance


Multiplus-IIbattery capacity
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Simon Jukes

It is best to stick with one type of battery for a stable system

Charged voltage difference being one issue that you run into. So in this case you would need to make sure the new setup matches in charge and float as well as the stage it enters absorption/balancing.

The second if if you run one with CAN and one without, the CAN controls the speed at which the battery is charged, since it only knows about itself can make charging slower. And mess with balancing of the other battery.

The system cannot be controlled by two battery systems.

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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes commented ·
Hi Alexandra

Thanks for the info, another PylonTech 5000 it is then


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

One of the top exclusions of your Pylontech warranty is mixing with non-pylon batteries, so buying commercial and then burning your warranty isn't a particularly sound investment.

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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes commented ·
True, I hadn't thought of the warranty side of things
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ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble answered ·

If all batteries are treated as individuals and not connected to the inverter via comm cable and not connected to each other then different batteries from different manufactures can be used, even different Ah ratings. But, the chemistry and voltages must match as well as the charging parameters. And they must be in parallel to a bus bar or PowerIn.

There are some great videos out there that show it being done in real life. One video by a well-respected expert has 4 different manufacturer batteries powering the system. Look up "battery current sharing" for more information.

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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes commented ·
Thank you for the info
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Perhaps possible, but not a good way. You lose all the control provided by the Pylontech.
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