Since upgrade to version ...500 i have a massive problem with one of the phases feeding back to grid from the battery. Also the AC Critical Load in the screen of the cerbo is not actualized as it was before (now up to 3/4 Second instead of 0,5 seconds before). One day i had feeding back 5kwh to the grid from battery. Grid Point is set to 50 Watts.
It is also acting in that way when the battery is in Battery Life at Idle. Then it is playing around with getting power from grid and half a second later feeding the same amount back into the grid. Load is stable with about 500-700 Watts over all phases so no big switching loads like washing machines etc..
I flashed my devices twice with the new version but the issue persists. Maybe it's a firmware bug in the Version 500?
Regards Thomas
System Details:
3x Multiplus 230V 5000KVA 70A
4x MPPT 250/100
6x Pylontec US2000
1x Lynx Shunt
2x Lynx distribution
1x EM24