Does anyone know if this idea below will work? (note: I am a newbie to 12V electrics)
I want to power off JUST SOLAR for a small camper van. That is build a system with 1x solar panel and 1x leisure battery only to power a small fridge (30L), some LED lights, MaxAir fan, 12V cigarette & USB sockets plus an inverter (1000W).
I figured if I oversize our battery and go for a 150-200Ah plus the largest wattage fixed panel to match and see if we can travel and power most of our appliances using just solar. If solar charging is not enough then I will add a DCDC charger later to this system.
I have chosen to go with the Lynx distributor (incl fuses) to make wiring more compact instead of separate positive and negative busbars and circuit breakers.
Have I missed anything in my attached wiring diagram?
The sizing of wires, fuses, Solar charger are still to be finalized but initial calcs indicate a 130-150Ah battery would be enough for our camping needs.
Thanks in advance for any comments