
rns avatar image
rns asked

Dynamically stear multiplus grid charge/feedback

Is there a way to dynamically steer a multiplus to charge or feedback to the grid.

I would like to steer the functions for grid charge and grid feedback as close to the point I like.

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hominidae avatar image hominidae commented ·
via the GX you can use mqtt or modbus to set the gridpoint to a new value with an exernal algorithm/program, like with using or even manually with a simple mqtt client
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2 Answers
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

as close to the point I like ?

How would you determine that point?

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rns avatar image
rns answered ·

I want to make the logic in home assistant and some calculation module. Not sure home assistant will be good enough for this but the result should come in home assistant that in whatever way steers the multiplus. I want to have full control on the amount of energy send to or consumed from the grid sow would like to steer neer real time what the victron should use or send back to the grid.

Parameters will be my energy real time and future estimated consumption, battery state, actual sun/energy production and estimated production, energy tarif, ....

Want to start small but I need even for that stap a dynamic way of instructing the multiplus what it should do.

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