
pgrayatmac avatar image
pgrayatmac asked

Connect BMV-712 from shunt to display using VE Direct cable

Hi I'm trying to update an Airstream Basecamp with the BMV-712. The existing system has a victron display connected via cable from the non-Bluetooth SmartSolar 150/35 MPPT. The BMV-712 display has a plug, but the shunt only has an rj12. I don't want to have to rewire the system to use the same space as the existing display. Can I just splice the end of the cable to a rj12 plug or does it use more than 4 pins? Is there an adaptor? Should I just give up and return the BMV-712 and go with a smartshunt and a dead display?

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The connection from the 712 must go to a GX device. You don't say which screen you have, but if it's the Colour Control GX, there are VE.Direct sockets on the back. Don't splice cables, the system isn't designed for it.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
The bmv 712 has clever bits in the display, wont work without it.
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