
markus32 avatar image
markus32 asked

Multiplus II: Maximum power output

Following scenario:

- MultiPlus-II 48/3000

- AC-In connected to public power grid (1)

- connected to big battery (48V LiFePo4) (2)

- AC-Out connected to internal grid (3)


How much power is available on (3)? Is this

- the max power from (1) plus 2.400 Watt (see datasheet below), so something like 10.000 Watt.

- only the power the inverter can generate, so 2.400 Watt?


mp2-1.png (147.5 KiB)
mp2-2.png (51.0 KiB)
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

1 Answer
denzel avatar image
denzel answered ·

It will be 32 amp .

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

markus32 avatar image markus32 commented ·
So 32 A x 230 V -> 7.360 Watt?

Is this what the "Transfer switch: 32A" in the datasheet means?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ markus32 commented ·

That is correct.

However if it is inverting (no grid) it can only do the 2400W continuously at 25°C. (So closer to 10-11A)

So if you do have bigger loads out them on AC2, as it switches off (unless programmed different) automatically on grid loss.

It is sized like that so you can run your full loads and charge battery at the same time.

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markus32 avatar image markus32 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

> However if it is inverting (no grid) it can only do the 2400W continuously at 25°C. (So closer to 10-11A)

This is understood.

Basically I wanted to know if I am also limited to this 2.400 W when connected to the grid. Happy to hear that I am not (and have 32A x 230V available).

Additional question: If I run higher loads, say 5.000W, and I programmed the MP2 to assist with power from the grid when the load > 2.000W, what happens?

Does it still invert and use 2.000W from my battery PLUS draw 3.000W from the public grid so that it can fulfill my 5.000W demand? Or does it pull the full 5.000W from the public grid and stop inverting?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ markus32 commented ·
Yes in a nutshell you can get it to do that.

There are a balance of settings for that, including depth of discharge (in SOC) from.the battery.

But to only draw the 5000 from grid you set the input current limit down to 5000 ÷ 230v or whatever your hrid voltage is at regularly

If you are running ESS assistant, you are not able to set the amount of power assist. The system does it for you based on the other parameters you set.

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