
alan-w avatar image
alan-w asked

Hi I have a multiplus 2 current swing / runaway

Hi I have a Multiplus 2, smart shunt, ET112 and Rpi-4 configured using ESS for self consumption. All devices are present under device list and all have the latest firmware. When I run the system after around 30s power swings back and forth from the grid into my battery and then from my battery into the grid at a value of 5000W each way, the cycle repeats every 10s. The energy meter shows this and I have confirmed also with a clamp meter. I have tried various setting changes with no effect,

Thanks for any help you may provide

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Try to plug and unplug a 3,5mm jack into the current sensor port a few times.

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alan-w avatar image
alan-w answered ·

Hi Matthias thank you so much, after 2 days of head scratching your fix worked, I guess the internal socket was shorted which upset current flow calculations. I kind of think a 3k product shouldn’t be delivered in this was but I’m so grateful for the quick and easy solution.

Thanks once again

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Happy to hear that you've resolved it,

This unfortunate issue has been addressed with a new hardware revision that changes that port type from the 3.5 mm jack to a terminal block connection.

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alan-w avatar image
alan-w answered ·

That’s good to hear but my unit was shipped just last week from the Netherlands and so should have had the modified port, unless it has been in storage for sometime perhaps

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