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nvs asked

Smart Solar MPPT 100/20 12V rv grounding

Hi all,

For a mobile installation (rv) with this model (20A) the manual says :

Chassis grounding (only for the 20A model)

A separate ground path for the chassis ground is permitted because the chassis is isolated from the positive and the negative terminals.

Sorry, but when a manual tells me that it is allowed but not required, it confuses me...

Should I connect the ground of the controller to the rv chassis or to the lynx busbar ?

Thank you.

MPPT ControllersMPPT SmartSolarGrounding
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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Which ever is more convenient. - Assuming the ?RV is -ve earth, and the busbar referred to is the negative one...

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nvs avatar image
nvs answered ·

OK for the negative busbar

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donmacn avatar image
donmacn answered ·

This isn't an "answer" but perhaps a re-wording of the question to help me understand how I need to wire up this unit.

The 100/20 MPPT has the standard earth/ground connections for the wiring - battery, PV, load - and another ground screw on the heatsink/chassis. The wiring ones I get - no worries there, but what about the chassis ground?

As has been pointed out above: "the chassis is isolated from the positive and negative terminals". I read that to mean that the standard, wiring grounds do not earth the unit's chassis.

However, mounting the unit via steel screws, onto the sides of the metal battery box, which is part of the vehicle bodywork must surely be as effective a ground as any additional cable?

Simply, I think the ambiguity in the manual text is confusing me - which can be easily done!

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Related Resources

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MPPT Product Page

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MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

Ground, earth and electrical safety

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