
adrianp105 avatar image
adrianp105 asked

SPD Type II - Where do I put this thing?

I'm so turned around on SPDs. Do I need a breaker before the SPD off my panel (before controller). And 2nd question: My SPD has a ground receptacle. I'm running to earth and could hook it up but Wiring Unlimited states I should only ground my Batter Negative terminal and my controller chassis. (I'm not running an inverter).

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


How big is your setup?

Do you have a 1 or 2 panel setup, is it mobile?

In all honesty unless there is a local regulation on it, with a basic set up I would say use a DC breaker and don't stress.

Usually an SPD is earthed to the main DB earth point, or a spike in the ground.

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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