
adrianp105 avatar image
adrianp105 asked

DC consumer fuses/breaker

The Wiring Unlimited guide says that all DC consumers (load) need an individual fuse. I have about 10 DC consumers that I was planning on splitting into 3 groups and have an appropriate sized breaker for each of the 3 groups. Is this sufficient, or do I still need fuses on all 10 individual consumers? Also, is there any disadvantage to have the individual fuse right after the positive comes off the positive bus bar than directly before the load (consideration for changing blown fuses)?

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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

The fuses are generally designed to protect the wire serving the load, so directly at the load center or busbar is the correct location. It is possible to protect a group of loads with one fuse, providing that the wiring to all of those loads is capable of withstanding the trip current in that circuit. i.e. you would not use a 3A wire to connect a load to a 20A group breaker.

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adrianp105 avatar image adrianp105 commented ·
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christern avatar image
christern answered ·

Fully agree with @Mike Dorsett but on top of that some consumers, at least in boats and vans, should have their own fuses to protect the electronics in them.

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Related Resources

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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Victron Wiring Unlimited PDF

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