
mep67 avatar image
mep67 asked

Wiring changes when replacing existing regulator with Victron MPPT

I am hoping to replace an old Go Power GPR 25 regulator in my RV with a Victron smartsolar unit. The Go Power is wired only to the solar panel and battery. In other words, there is no load wired directly to the regulator. Can I wire the Victron in the same fashion with only battery and PV leads connected? I only want to use the system to charge coach batteries while boondocking.

Thanks for the help.

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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Yes you can. If your panel Voc is above (say) 20V it should be a direct drop-in and show better performance. Enjoy.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I am not sure about your old regulators exact wiring, but you will need to make sure the positive and negative of both the solar and the battery are connected to the Victron MPPT as shown in the manual, and written on the device.

You do not need to use the load terminals on the MPPT though, they are optional.

Many other regulators also use this wiring, but some PWM regulators will share a common battery and PV negative bus and only connect the solar positive to the regulator for example.

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mep67 avatar image
mep67 answered ·

Awesome. Thanks for the answer!

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