
kmorgan avatar image
kmorgan asked

Victron Support

So after a lengthy wait for some support on a parallel 48/5000 uk setup I am very disappointed with Victron Support.

I install these units as an Electricain. I have done so for some time now and know how and what there like as single unit setup's, They are good units.

But support has let me down on one of my customers installs.

They do not seem to accept there is an issue with a Parallel setup, grid set point is never achieved (mentioned on here a few times)

Also when in parallel you lose the normal fast response to get with single CT clamp setup.

When just using the Et112 the response is too slow, using an induction hob as an example, it just pulls from the grid and by the time the inverter responds the hob cycles and the inverter starts dumping to the grid!

After 2 weeks of escalating this is the response I got.

(UK Supplier)I think we are at the end of the road on this. The 'Official' line from Victron is

“The data you read is a calculated value and also with some deviation, it’s not scientifically to say the least

You can change the grid setpoint if you want.”

Disappointed to say the least and will not install these units with the impression on great victron support like I use too.

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lifeingalicia avatar image lifeingalicia commented ·

Probably your supplier has not done any advanced training. Ask for access to videos.

might help.

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kmorgan avatar image kmorgan lifeingalicia commented ·
Nope very well known supplier in the uk, was dealt with (or not!) direct with victron
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2 Answers
mondeoman avatar image
mondeoman answered ·

But what exactly do you see as the Grid power? And more importantly, how did you conclude that it does not meet the setpoint?

I have a single 5kVA inverter running ESS with an EM24 grid meter and most loads on the AC Input side of the inverter. Grid set point is set to 50W. The actual value on the ET24 fluctuates WILDLY, both exporting and importing, but the average recorded by the electricity company meter ends up being really damn close to 0.050 kWh each hour.
My electricity meter transmits hourly consumption data and the electricity provider gives me access to this data. I'm attaching a screenshot of the readings. In each one-hour interval, the number is the accumulated energy in kWh. So if the energy in one hour is around 0.050 kWh, that means the average power is 50W. And the daily consumption reading is about 1.2

energy-per-hour.png (41.0 KiB)
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mondeoman avatar image
mondeoman answered ·

Here's a graph of the Grid power, as seen by the EM24 grid meter. It's not stable at 50W, there's fluctuations, occasionally dumping energy into the grid, but it all evens out around 0.050kWh each hour.grid-fluctuations.png

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jetstram61 avatar image jetstram61 commented ·
So - would you conclude from this that the energy meters such as the ET112 and EM24 are a better option than the 100A CT current clamps ?

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron - Where to buy - Authorised Installers, Sales and Distribution

Warranty and Repairs.