
zeron avatar image
zeron asked

Low voltage spam with Multiplus-II and Pylontech 48V array


I have a Multiplus-II 5000, Cerbo GX, an array of Pylontech US2000C and a Fronius Primo 5kW (probably irrelevant to the problem). System is configured with ESS assistant (optimized without battery life) following the settings supplied by my retailer - 48v low battery alert and 44v disconnection)

I've been having this issue for a bit more than 24 hours now, at any point of the day or night, even with just baseload (100-200W) the Multiplus will throw a low voltage alarm (tension = voltage, basse = low) like on that screenshot with crazy low readings :


It will trigger a few times in a row over 5-15 minutes with the red led and audio alarm and then trigger the disconnection protection causing the whole system to reboot and then be fine again for a few hours. Everytime I check the remote console the voltage is fine around 49.5V, cells are very balanced and shown as working fine.

Maybe unrelated : yesterday afternoon I had extra solar production and Multiplus was sentding everything to the grid while batteries were at 65%... ATM this morning, it's going in bulk mode fine when there is extra solar power.

How can I figure what is causing these random low voltage spikes or (is this even possible ?) erronous readings triggering alarms?

Edit :

Some extra information from the VRM dashboard, VE.Bus reports low voltage spike but the BMS reports normal value at the same moment :


And by posting this I realise that VE.Bus was reporting a much higher voltage than the BMS for a while and the low voltage spike happened just at the moment it seemed to sync back to the real value.

Multiplus-IIbattery system voltage
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2 Answers
zeron avatar image
zeron answered ·

After taking advice from an electrician friend, I removed the battery DC wires from the circuit breaker and put them back in making sure they're in place correctly and haven't had any low battery warning for 6 days now so I'm crossing fingers that it was just a wiring issue!

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

How many batteries do you have?

Have you checked your setup and made sure the pylon BMS has been selected for the system?

In normal operation the pylon BMS is reporting this so the batteries would be unhappy, possibly due to load.

The multi just does what it is told by the BMS.

Step through the pylon setup guide and make sure it is all done right.

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zeron avatar image zeron commented ·

I have 4 US2000C 50Ah batteries, double checked the link and those are the settings I have and Pylontech BMS is shown as being the active one in the remote console.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ zeron commented ·

If it's just the multi reporting the issue, it would be worthwhile to check all the wiring, lugs etc. Do you have any loads which might have a surge on startup like an older fridge, freezer?

Try adding a larger sustained load onto the inverter, then take a meter and measure the voltages at the inverter terminals and on the battery. See if there is a difference.

Could you also add a screenshot of the BMS charge/discharge limits chart from VRM.

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