
John Frame avatar image
John Frame asked

Multiplus II 3kva 2x120v - 24 volt availability

Is the Multiplus II 12v 3kva 2x120v available in a 24 volt version or is the 12 volt compatible with a 24 volt battery bank?

I have a client that I need to install a Multiplus II.
They already bought all the equipment from a victron dealer before hiring me.
They have a 24 volts system. They currently have four 6 volt batteries in series/parallel but they will be replaced by six battle born batteries.

When going though the system while doing my homework to check to see if they really had everything I noticed that the Multiplus II the have is 12 volt and like I mentioned they have a 24 volt system.

Is the the MultiPlus-II12/3000/125-50 @X120V they purchased 24 volt compatible?

Multiplus-IIbattery system voltage
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

No it is NOT 24 volt comparable. a 24 Multiplus II version is only available in 220volt version at this time.

You can get a Multiplus 24/3000 120v unit though

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ranger-rick avatar image
ranger-rick answered ·

The 24-volt VE MP-II 2xx120v is coming out in July or August. Some solar dealers now have them on their webpages.

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