
power4me avatar image
power4me asked

EM24 as AC LOAD meter is not visible in „pages“ screen - but it can be displayed

In my one-phase test setup I have the usual „pages“ main screen:

img-0007.jpegthere is no load connected, the displayed 12 Watts is the Multiplus II itself. AC in is not connected, the „—“ reading is correct. Adding a EM24 as PV inverter meter looks like this:

2844d37c-b6ed-4e49-a504-85a7c7e0a80e.jpeg So far, so good. Setting up the EM24 in role „AC load“ and changeing the inputs that it meters consumption and not production does not show the EM24 readings in the green AC loads box. The box still shows what the Multiplus measures. ~12 Watts.



The attached load behind the EM24 is just the Cerbo, ~3.5Watts.

With an EM24 as an AC load meter present in the system, I would suspect, that it replaces the Multiplus internal measurement, as it is done with grid metering.

Is there some checkbox or setting, I’m not aware of to change the source of the AC loads display?

Multiplus-IIcerbo gxEnergy Meter
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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Configured for AC load monitoring, it's not going to show on the "pages" overview and it does not replace the MultiPlus internal calculations.

You'll see the AC load metering on the Device List of your GX device and on VRM advanced (requires to setup a widget). It is not used for calculations, just monitoring. See also section 2.15. in the GX manual.

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power4me avatar image
power4me answered ·

Yes, @Stefanie,

you describe correctly as it is, I stated as it should be (in my opinion).

The role AC-Load was added after the other roles, so I think the display replacement in pages is simply not jet implemented. It works for PV-Inverter, Generator and Grid so it should work for AC-Load as well. Pages should always use the best possible source for displayed information. Compared to the EM24 reading it seems to display its own consumption as AC-load as well. That’s not what I want.

I hope that someone from the Victron team reads this, shouldn’t be that big of a deal to implement it in a similar way as the other meter-roles.

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power4me avatar image
power4me answered ·

@Stefanie, I recently discovered, that the GX device is capable of displaying the information from the EM24 AC load meter in the pages view, if the Multiplusses are switched off.


The AC loads reading was exactly the same as the one on the EM24 device list. If it is already implemented to display this more accurate information, why not let the user decide which one to display in the pages view?

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kw4np avatar image kw4np commented ·
Thanks for this information. I'm asking for the same thing here. Hopefully someone (maybe @Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ) can tell us how to ask for this feature. Really, it should be standard, but since it isn't, we would like to have it added to the firmware!
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