
chrisu avatar image
chrisu asked

Multiplus-II and Pylontech: Battery Low Alarm

Hi there,

I just installed a Multiplus-II 5000 with two US3000C Batteries as AC-ESS.

The batteries were well balanced. The new US3000C Version is designed for a deep-cycle of 5%, when I set this to the ESS Setting as SOC-Minimum, I get "Low Battery: Alarm" at 46.5V from the VE-Bus Device Multiplus when discharging.

I've read the ESS FAQ how to disable low batt warnings, and of course the system is configured correctly according to Victron & Pylontech UP2500, US2000, US3000, US2000C, US3000C, UP5000, Phantom-S, Force-L1 & L2 [Victron Energy]

Any help would be great

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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

46.5 volts is quite flate and I would think thats close to when the batteries BMS will turn off anyway, so check what the batteries cut odd is.

46.5 is 2.91 per cell but that does not mean that all the cells are the same.

if you want to drive them lower then check the settings in your ve configure program


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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered ·

hmm, then it seems Victron's recommendation is not right for this

Recommendation is

VEConfigure Inverter Parameter Setting
DC input low shut-down 44V
DC input low restart 48V
DC input low pre-alarm* 48V

The "dynamic cut-off" for ESS is at 46V

what does low restart and low pre-alarm mean?

Pylontech say this about their US3000, the operating Voltage is 45...53.5V.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Victron don't make up the values, these are determined by Pylon. If their guidance changes, so does the doc. Probably a question best asked of Pylon support.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Restart is the level that the voltage must return to before the multi will reactivate again.

Pre-alarm is when it will start sending you complaints (alerts).

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Dynamic cut off is the rated voltage drop under load settings. Not the same a dc low cut offs.

It allows the battery voltage to be temporarily drawn under the cut off voltage without shutting down the system.

All set to the same value to suppress low battery warnings in ess

If you draw your batteries down to the 46V your system will no longer be able to power assist (as voltage drops when current is frawn oit of the batyeries). And will switch off when loads turn on. Not a good place for any of the components.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

At 5% I doubt they would drive much of a load, as Paul says, that is low and not great for the battery.

I guess it's one of those just because you can, doesn't mean you should moments.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·

The new US3000C from Pylontech has a DOD of 95% for 6000 cycles. So 5% should be normal working condition for this battery.

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