
marko1963 avatar image
marko1963 asked

Multiplus 24/5000/120 keeps cycling on low battery

On overcast days my solar panels cannot charge victron batteries to 100%.. I use them until low battery warning light flashes and I then turn on AC mains power to try to charge the batteries, sometimes as low as 20vdc. It’s a 24vdc system.. the fan does not come on, and the unit cycles on and off every minute or so.. I thought the unit can charge at 120 amps ? It goes into BULK charge for a minute or so and then low battery and overload leds illuminate, and then shuts down for 20 seconds and reboots and does the whole pattern again..

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
@Marko1963 moved to the normal Q&A.

Please give us some more information about your system.

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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·

You are killing your battery by discharging down to 20V.

I does not matter whether it is LFP or LA battery.

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