
danielc avatar image
danielc asked

Two controllers reading different voltages causing premature float

Hello all first post. I've seen a lot of Q&A talk around the general problem I have, but nothing exact.

I have two mppt smart solar 100/20 s with 320watts /12v solar panels running to the same bus bar with 4 firefly batteries. I've been running this set up for about 9 months now with no issues until 4 days ago.

At that time the Starboard side array began reading higher voltage and going into float almost immediately in the mornings. Attached are pics of both arrays running this morning under very cloudy conditions, so don't worry about the low numbers, but you can see that Starboard is essentially dead. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Dan

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MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @DanielC

Check your wires/crimps/fuse/breaker between the SB mppt and the batteries/busbar. You seem to have developed a high resistance in there somewhere, and the mppt is just driving into it's own terminals.

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danielc avatar image danielc commented ·
Thanks. I'll dive into that in few hours.
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