
blawal avatar image
blawal asked

Can you use beagleboard to store the data from the Mppt 75/15 blue charger?


I hope you are well.

Is it possible to store and download the data using the beagleboard with the Mppt solar charger 75/15 or any other ones?

I am a solar systems engineer who designs an off-grid solar systems.

These systems are located in remote areas where the is no internet of WiFi available.

The only method of communication is via radio.

I connected the beagle board with the 75/15 solar charger using the V.E direct cable it was possible to see the live data from the V.E 75/15 solar charger but i could not find a way to store the data?

I want the beagleboard to store the data and log it every 5 minutes or 15 minutes etc so if someone logs in after few weeks then the logged data can be downloaded and analysed.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards


chargerBluetoothcommunication protocol
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Hi Blawal,

I have moved discussion of BB to the modifications space.

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blawal avatar image blawal Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Stewart,

Thank you.

I really hope to find the solution. I am working on a big project and I would prefer to use Victron products.

I would recommend Victron to produce something which can use LAN for communication too as still there will be areas where there is no internet available.

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2 Answers
Murray van Graan avatar image
Murray van Graan answered ·

Why don’t you just use a Venus GX with an SD card?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

A VenusGX is basically a Beagleboard with a cape. The Beagleboard has an SD card slot all the same.

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Danakil avatar image Danakil wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

It is just a BB with a cape, but this cape host all the hardware to support the communication, such as Ve. direct, Ve.bus, CAN, etc...

But the good news is that is a TTL signal ! \o/

There's plenty of tutorial on the internet to help you out, a bash or a python script will get you the information you're looking for.

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blawal avatar image blawal commented ·

Our product will be in the remote areas where there is not access to the WiFi or mobile signals so basicall no internet so we will have a LAN connection from the site to the main monitoring center.

We downloaded the venus image and it was possible to see the live performance of the solar panels but i did not see any way to see the past data or any option which will allow me to download the data history.


1. Is it possible to store the data using an Sd-Card?

2. Retrieve/download the data via LAN?

Best Regards


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sinbad avatar image sinbad blawal commented ·

You can pull 30 days' history for the solar chargers via MQTT across a LAN connection.

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blawal avatar image blawal sinbad commented ·


How can you do it?

what components do i need?

Also isit possible to add an sd-card so it can store more than 30 days of data and then i can pull that data too?

Thank you.

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sinbad avatar image sinbad blawal commented ·

MQTT is built into the Venus setup. No, I don't think the structures are there to store more than 30 days, but you could store them on your management system side once you've retrieved them across the LAN?

The SD card is, as far as I know, used for buffering updates to VRM for when there is an internet connection available - but I stand to be corrected.

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blawal avatar image blawal sinbad commented ·

yes data downlaoded can be saved on the computer but last time it was possible to see the live data but i could not find any option which would allow to download the data or see the history of previous days.

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blawal avatar image
blawal answered ·

I have come across 2 more items which i think may work.

1. Serial to Ethernet Converters

2. VE. Direct to RS232 Interface (

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