
faqiiri avatar image
faqiiri asked

DC-DC 12v 360w - 60A circuit breaker tripping


I'm hoping for some help as I couldn't find the answer in the manual.
I have a non-isolated Victron DC-DC charger 12/12 360W, which I installed in my van recently.

The distance from charger to van battery is roughly 2,5m so I went with a 10mm thick cable from the van batter to my leisure battery via the DC-DC charger (manual states 2m = 10mm and 5m = 16mm). I tested it yesterday in charger mode and it worked well for a moment, but then My Victron app stopped working and when I check my 60A breaker had tripped.

What could be the issue / what steps can I take to find out what the issue is?

  • Upgrade cable width to 16mm eventhough it is only 0,5m longer than 2m?
  • Adjust input/output voltage range to a smaller voltage in the victron app (currently default)?
  • Something else?

Thank you in advance!


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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·
Post a link to your breaker. :(
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faqiiri avatar image faqiiri commented ·

Apologies it's in Finnish, but hopefully you can google translate.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ faqiiri commented ·
That circuit breaker looks like complete junk, sorry. We have had a few similar questions in the past and it's these circuit breakers that are the problem. That is why it is the only question that klim8skeptic has for you.

You eed to either use a good fuse, a 50A - 60A MEGA fuse would be good or a good quality circuit breaker.
Your cabling is fine.

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faqiiri avatar image faqiiri wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
Hi, thank you! No need to be sorry. You gave me what I was looking for, i.e. the source of the trouble.

As you can tell I can't tell a bad circuitbreaker from a good one. Could you link to something on Amazon that you would recommend?

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