
faqiiri avatar image
faqiiri asked

DC-DC 12v 360w - 60A circuit breaker tripping


I'm hoping for some help as I couldn't find the answer in the manual.
I have a non-isolated Victron DC-DC charger 12/12 360W, which I installed in my van recently.

The distance from charger to van battery is roughly 2,5m so I went with a 10mm thick cable from the van batter to my leisure battery via the DC-DC charger (manual states 2m = 10mm and 5m = 16mm). I tested it yesterday in charger mode and it worked well for a moment, but then My Victron app stopped working and when I check my 60A breaker had tripped.

What could be the issue / what steps can I take to find out what the issue is?

  • Upgrade cable width to 16mm eventhough it is only 0,5m longer than 2m?
  • Adjust input/output voltage range to a smaller voltage in the victron app (currently default)?
  • Something else?

Thank you in advance!


orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·
Post a link to your breaker. :(
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faqiiri avatar image faqiiri commented ·

Apologies it's in Finnish, but hopefully you can google translate.

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