
marcofue avatar image
marcofue asked


Hello first of all i hope you understand what i need because my english in not good.

I want that my MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 (FIRMWARE 497) switch the AC2 OUT on if 2 condicions are true . And switch off if one of this condicions is not true ... i add an JPG to explain it better.

I dont want to use the AC IN to supply the AC1 and AC2 OUT i want that both OUTPUTS are supplied by the PV and / or Battery.

Only if there is an OVERLOAD ON AC1 (more then 5000W) then switch to AC IN for 10 Minutes the check the Load and if is lower then 5000W switch off AC IN .

I hope i find here somebody who can help me.



Cerbo GX

MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48

Pylontech battery

SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/100

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8 Answers
marcofue avatar image
marcofue answered ·



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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @MarcoFUE Your English is ok.

Both of these things should be possible to do using Assistants. But you will need to learn how to use them. Some links here..

For ACout2, the Programmable Relay (you can use multiple instances).

For ACin, maybe the Generator Start/Stop via GeneralFlag.

The challenge is for you to get your head around how they work. It may seem too hard at the beginning, but it's not bad once you get into it. Come back as you need with questions..

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marcofue avatar image
marcofue answered ·

Hello John ...

first of all thank you for your time. The main Problem for me is that i dont find this OPTION in Assistants ...

The LOAD OPTIONS i geht them only in VS but i dont find them in Assitants .. see picture :


Mabe you have an idea ...

Thank you Marco

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·


Assistants can't be used if VS is in use. Assistants are more complex and involve more than one page. What you're looking for is there, you just need to follow it through. And know what you want.. :)

It's there..


But you won't be starting a genset, but via GeneralFlag to Ignore ACIN (in reverse). Keep trying, you'll get there..

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ JohnC ♦ commented ·


1654088716481.pngSome of the pages. Keep them in logical order.

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marcofue avatar image
marcofue answered ·

Hello John,

i tried that 3 Assitants with no LUCK the MULTIPLUS 2 switch always the AC IN on ....




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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Ok, lets deal with the ACin1 first. It's on by default when you start up the Multi, so needs to be turned off before you start. Set GeneralFlag to use ACin1 (only need this once)..


Then switch it off..


Note I've set 'on' the GeneralFlag, which stops ACin1.

Then comes your Gen Start/Stop. Similar to your first attempt, but you want that to set the relay (GenFlag) to off (open) when you need ACin, so change that. I see that you've also added an SOC condition to switching ACin1, which wasn't in your original terms, but you can decide there. Confused yet, ha.. But if I haven't fouled it up, this should cover ACin1. I'd use these 3 Assistants in this order first (you can move them around by dragging a mouse).

For ACout2, it's also off by default. So if you want it on normally, firstly just turn it on with a ProgRelay. Then turn it off with another (or more) to the conditions you choose. If it doesn't return to On when the conditions abate you may need to force it with another ProgRelay. I'd keep these in a group below the first bunch of Assistants. They must all be in the correct logical order to work properly.

Have another try..

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marcofue avatar image
marcofue answered ·

Hello John,

i think iam tu stupid for that... when i send the config to the Multiplus he always swicht after a few of seconds the AC IN ON ....

Here you can see 1. general flag -


then progammable relay - AC IN ON IF:


then programable relay - AC IN OFF IF: iso2qbjqhs.pngNEXT - AC2 ON IF





1. I WANT THAT THE AC IN IS ON IF : AC LOAD higher then 5000W for 3sec and the SOC lower than 10%

2. I WANT THAT THE AC IN IS OFF IF: AC LOAD lower then 3500W for 90 sec and the SOC higher then 10%

3. THE AC2 OUT IN ON IF : AC LOAD lower then 2500W for 20 sec. and the SOC higher then 70%

4. THE AC2 OUT IS OFF IF: AC LOAD higher then 3000W for 5 sec. and the SOC lower then 60%

i dont understand where is the failure of my thinking .... i wil try to make 2 more assistens maybe there is the failure...

1. GEN FLAG ON IF : AC LOAD higher then 5000W for 3sec

2. GEN FLAG ON IF SOC lower than 10%

3. GENFLAG OFF IF: AC LOAD lower then 3500W for 90 sec

4. GENFLAG OFF IF: SOC higher then 20%

What do you think ?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

I think what you're missing is the way General Flag switches. In itself it's not an Action, It's just a definition of what to switch. With ACin1 chosen it will Ignore ACin1 when GenFlag is turned ON. So if you want ACin1 ON you switch OFF GenFlag.

The opposite to what you expect (and have programmed). And don't forget default ACin1 is enabled (not Ignored), so you have to get it Ignored as default before setting conditions to allow it in.

Leave ACout2 for now until you sort this. I'll come back to that when I get a chance. You're showing great courage tackling this head-on, and I'd love to see you succeed.

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marcofue avatar image
marcofue answered ·

hello John .... thank you verry much fpr your HELP ....

finally it works ... i forgot always the second AC IN OFF (GEN FLAG) relay.

Now it works ...thank you verry much !!!!!!


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·
Good work @MarcoFUE

Come back if you need further help. I wish you well..

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marcofue avatar image
marcofue answered ·

Hello John,

finally i understand better to invert the things ... for example now i have an second Generator on of for the AC2 Out ... and my first tests was POSITIVE ... thanks to you !!!

I Send you

my first and i hope last :-) Assitant files ...

maybe you see an error ...

the values (WATTS & TIME) are changed again but i think they are now cood for the consumer on my AC2 Out ( i try this now)





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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

You seem to have picked up a good feel for how it all works. Looks ok to me, but it's very late here and I'm a little slow after midnight.. :)

What I tend to do anyway is just test it, then fix as necessary. The most important things are to keep it in a logical order, and start and finish the sequence with your 'relays' in the 'normal' state.

But you've really done well so far. And you'll get better too, the more you play with it. So keep playing..

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