I currently have installed in a 100% off grid cabin the following setup:
7x 430w in series (48v 10amp)
4 x AOKLY GEL 12v 200a in series 48v
5kWh EPEVER UP5000-HM8042 80 aH PV max 440V max
Long story short, I got what I paid for so now I'm looking to migrate to Victron.
I am not familiar with the best practices with Victron but what would be the suggested setup to get my cabin going?
I am not sure If I should go with the Multiplus II 3000va or 5000va. (we use circular saws and other power tools from time to time but the biggest load always plugged would be the fridge.
I have the solar panels in series but the MTTP I would need should be big and expensive I am not sure if I need to split in several series or not to buy smaller MTTPs.
It's a not a small investment having bought already other system so I am looking to add the basics and then add the Cerbo GX mainly for remote monitoring purposes.
all in all: which inverter? how many solar controllers? and what else to get it going?