
jeremyh avatar image
jeremyh asked

Lynx Distributor OK to use last negative stud for chassis ground?

I'd like to run chassis ground to the last negative stud on the lynx distributor - by last negative stud I mean the last stud on the neg busbar, the one that would typically be used to connect a lynx distributors to another lynx distributor. Is there any issues with that? I'm running a multiplus equipment ground to the dedicated ground connection on the lynx distributor. Thanks!

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2 Answers
5teve avatar image
5teve answered ·

I have a lynx power in (non electronic distributer) used a budget distributor.. and am doing exactly this. Thats not to say its right.. but its what i'm doing! :)

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jeremyh avatar image
jeremyh answered ·

Thanks @5teve, appreciate to hear that you're doing the same thing with the Power In busbar. Thought I'd chime in one more time to see if anyone had definitive info on doing this with the Lynx Distributor. Thanks all!

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