
dorian avatar image
dorian asked

EV Charging Station / What is the default password and user for local connection


I can't find the default user and password for a first connection.

The manual talk about the label but I have nothing.

Can you help me ?


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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The label should be inside.

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dorian avatar image dorian commented ·
Thank you so much
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dorian avatar image
dorian answered ·

Yes but just whit the wifi Access point and the serial number.

I don't have the User and Password for the connection inside

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dorian avatar image
dorian answered ·

I can't connect with the QRcode. That's why they ask me User/Password

Thank you for the video @Matthias Lange - DE

I try again

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ben-rudd avatar image
ben-rudd answered ·

the username is admin

the password is the same as the wifi password

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