
Juraj Nikolov avatar image
Juraj Nikolov asked

comparing mppt multiplus II GX vs easySolar II

I have a question which ones of solution is better and if it is necessary to solve it or nor.
1) multiplus II GX 5kva
3x mppt 150/35 bluetooth ; (optoinal + 2x mppt 150/35 bluetooth)
victron ET340 (it is necessary ?)
4x pylontech U3000C
12x 500wp mono panels (3stings of 2series x 2parallel) 6kwp ; (optional + 8 panels and 2strings of 2series x 2parallel together 10kwp)

It is possible to connect 5strings in to GX ?

2) easysolar 5kva (gx+250/100) (optoinal 2x mppt 150/35 bluetooth)
victron ET340 (it is necessary ?)
4x pylontech U3000C
12x 500wp mono panels (1stings of 4series x 3paraller) 6kwp ; (optional +8 panels and 2strings of 2series x 2parallel together 10kwp)

A solution with three strings occurred me to because in the afternoon I have on the roof of the shadows from another house. See picture. roof.jpgAnd whether it would not result in a reduction in performance, when it was in one string (mppt 250/100).The question is if the mppts 150/35 will by charge the battery well, or better as 250/100.

My house is feeded from grid 3-phase, but I want one phase use to plug to the multiplus II(easysolar II) and have this phase as a backup (for appliances), which I would like to use in the evening from the battery and during the day from the sun, plus the surplus sent to the grid. It is this possible ?

Or I want to much ?

Lot of thanks for help.


Multiplus-IIEasySolar All-in-Onesetup
roof.jpg (5.0 MiB)
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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Juraj Nikolov Worth reading the ESS document on the Victron website as it will be explain much of your sub question. Yes it can do what you want.

As for which system, it much depends on the space you have and whether you will use VE.Direct or VE.Can connections for the MPPTs. On a GX you can add one VE.Direct MPPT before having to use a VE.Direct to USB dongle or USB hub and dongles. Neither has VE.Can if you considered using VE.Can on the MPPT.

Have a play with the calculator to explore some string options as it will also take temperature into account which is very important. I'd personally do 3 x strings of four and while the 250/100 can handle 5800W, make sure VOC is not exceed at any time.

Hope this helps to do you planning.

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Juraj Nikolov avatar image
Juraj Nikolov answered ·

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bella-swan avatar image
bella-swan answered ·

The Multiplus-II-GX (And Easysolar-II-GX) have a built-in board. This is essentially a small ARM computer. All the GX devices are. But the one in the MP-II-GX is based on a quad core 1.2Ghz Nanopi which is the fastest platform of all 4. The Cerbo is the next fastest, followed by the Venux-GX and then the CCGX.

So unless the built-in GX option costs significantly more than the external one, I'd encourage you to go for it.

There is one exception though: If you want to use the fancy analog/digital connections on the Venus-GX/Cerbo-GX, then obviously you have to go for the discrete solution. Also, a Venus-GX has two built-in relays. For the average guy running a residential setup, it makes little difference. Go with what makes the most sense to you.

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