
missy avatar image
missy asked

MultiPlus dead, its a mystery!

My MultiPlus 12 500 was working fine.

I plugged an ecoflow leisure battery to charge for the first time. Using my usual extension cord to my plug socket, which goes to a consumer unit then to the multiplus.

The ecoflow says it supports 220vac-240vac charging.

After 10 minutes or so, the ecoflow beeped - when I checked, the multiplus was off. It won't turn on again.

No lights or anything.

I unplugged the vbus to the external switch, still nothing.

My house batteries are at 14.8V.

I checked the consumer unit, all switches are on. No other breakers have tripped, the multi is just dead!

Anything else I can try? Before I buy a new one?!



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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

So you're plugging an inverter (ecoflow) into another inverter.. ?

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missy avatar image missy commented ·
Yes, except its also a battery. It needs charging with 230V, which is what I plugged it in to do.
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missy avatar image missy commented ·
And we've been charging our PowerOak for a year with the exact same setup...
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johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith answered ·

First thing is to remove the cover from the bottom of the Mutliplus and measure your voltage across the L and N in. Make sure you have 230VAC, then measure your DC voltage across the Input/Output terminals and make sure you have you correct DC voltages from battery.

Then after that there is an internal fuse in the multiplus.

Also check the fuse in the plug on yor extension lead which plugs into your socket which is hard wired to your consumer unit.

When you have done these basic measurements you can identify that the fault lies in the Multiplus or is an external problem.

Please don't measure the VAC unless you are competent and have the correct DMM.

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missy avatar image missy commented ·

Thank you.

When I turned it on to inverter today, all lights lit for half a second before going dead again.

I'm not competent or confident to check the 230VAC.

I will check the fuse in the extension, but if the plug sockets are off, surely the inverter would still turn on?

I'll check the DC voltage, is that on the neg/pos terminals on the right hand side?

Thanks for your help!

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missy avatar image missy commented ·

"measure your voltage across the L and N in. Make sure you have 230VAC"

How would I have that if it won't turn on to invert?

I'm not plugged into the mains, so can't check the charger function.

I would guess the dc voltages from battery are OK, as the rest of my 12V system is functioning.

I haven't checked the extension lead, but have unplugged it from the sockets and the multiplus still only turns on for a second before going dead again.

Would the multiplus turn on for any amount of time if its fuse were blown?

I'm trying to mess with the system the least amount possible, by identifying the likely problem and trying to fix that first!

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Looking at the on line info, the ecoflow powerpacks charge very quickly compared to the PowerOak ones so have a much higher input power. Were you running anything else on the 230V AC at the same time. What ecoflow pack do you have.

The ecoflow may have overloaded the Multiplus, but it should have shutdown on overload protection and reset itself when turned off and on. Have you tried disconnecting it from the 12V supply and leaving it for a few minutes before reconnecting then turning on.

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