
Tommy avatar image
Tommy asked

Cerbo GX monitor chassis battery and display in VRM?

My chassis battery is correctly monitored from my 712 and I can see the different voltages when I connect to it via bluetooth. It is configured in the remote console to be visible, yet I can't see it in VRM. How do I fix this?



cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Primary or secondary battery in the system?

My second battery appears at the bottom of the dashboard page and in widgets but am using two monitors.

I am sure you did this already. To get that you go to system setup- battery measurements-visible.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
If it is the secondary battery, I think you can only get voltage on the advanced page widgets. As the bmv only monitors voltage for the second one.
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Tommy avatar image Tommy Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Yup, it does show under advanced. I guess there is really no way to show it on the main page. Thank you
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