
J P avatar image
J P asked

Quattro 24/5000/120 wiring diagram

Is there a diagram showing the Quattro 24/5000/120 in a setup with no genny? I'm using a Lynx Distributor 1000 with a 24v battery bank, an Orion 24/12 DC to DC converter and 2400w of solar on the roof of our RV. I have 2 6 panel arrays each wired in series parallel running on 2 Smart MPPT 250/60 SCCs. Also using a Cerbo GX.

I have breakers between the panels and the SCCs, a fully fused Lynx Distributor and a disconnect between the Distributor positive and the battery. Also using a Smart Shunt 500.

I'm really just trying to figure out a couple of things:

1. Is there any reason at all I would need a manual transfer switch in this RV system?

2. Do I need a breaker between the Quattro AC 1 in (which I'm using since I'm not using a genny) and shore?


wiring diagram
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @J P

There's a bunch of schematics on the Victron website, which might be useful to see how others do it..

If you're only using one of the ACIN's, then you could also look at Multiplus examples.

#1. Probably not, but if you already have one in place then it could probably be used as an isolator.

#2. A good idea, even if not mandated. You may find most of the examples will show breakers.

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J P avatar image
J P answered ·

Thanks. I do not already have a MTS. Jared at All About RVs shows one in a system he built that allows you not to lose power to all circuits when switching between shore and inverter. As long as the inverter will switch for me from 100% shore to 100% inverter. I suppose I don't need it.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·
@J P

Then you won't need it. The Quattro has it's own ATS(s), and will switch seamlessly. Even add inverter power to the shore's if you want.

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J P avatar image J P JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thx. Just so I understand, the Quattro will power both sides of my RV 50A panel at 120 without some type of jumper on a transfer switch? I want to avoid a situation where I'm only getting power to 1/2 the RV circuits.
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