
Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt asked

Grid parallel genset with Multiplus II


i have a 3phase System with 3 Victron MPII 48/8000 and 150kWh lithium Storage (18s)

Now i would like to add a genset as cogen. (Synchronizing).
is it possible to connect the Genset with critical loads (AC Out 1) ?
Or is it necessary to use the ac in?

i have to add a em24 for the genset is the produced energy counted correctly in vrm also if the genset is connected to AC Out 1.

thanks a lot :)

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Michael Schmidt

It is necessary to use AC in. The Victrons will then syncronise to the genset.

You could use a bypass for the AC1 out to directly switch it onto the generator.

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Michael Schmidt avatar image Michael Schmidt commented ·
Hi Alexandra,

Thanks. But the Genset is syncronizing itself.
So i have two options:
1. connect to AC IN, so the genset is syncing to grid and runs in static power mode.
So the grid smartmeter counts the energy and the multis will pull the energy into the batteries. The disadvantage is that i need to build second na/ns protection for a grid failure mode and corciut breaker (acb) for grid loss case.

2. Connect to AC Out, Genset is syncing to Multis AC OUT and connects. In grid parallel i think there is no problem (genset behavior is quite similar to PV AC Generator).But in grid loss mode i dont know if its ok to run in parallel to ac out. The advantage is that na/ns protection is still coverd by the multipluses.

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