
spoons99205 avatar image
spoons99205 asked

External Controller API for a Cerbo GX

Good Day All,

I am looking for the API to allow an external control system (Crestron) to speak to the Victron system. The Crestron system can use MODBUS, IP, and various other forms of analog control connections. My intention is to monitor and control everything from on centralized panel in our Sprinter VAN (HVAC, Lights, Tanks Pumps and so on).

I apologize if I have missed the post somewhere on this forum however I am eager to find the API docs.


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Spoons99205,

a good start into this is the dbus-API documented here:

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

ModbusTCP and MQTT are supported protocols.
The ModbusTCP register list is available for download in the technical documents section here:

I'll move this question to the "Modifications" space. I don't use the MQTT so maybe someone can explain the MQTT part better than I.

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