
skroland86 avatar image
skroland86 asked

Multiplus II - voltage on DC side when not in charging mode

I have a multiplus II 2x120. With the Inverter powered on, and charging turned off, I am still getting about 9 volts on the DC side. Is this normal? I disconnected my DC cables on the inverter to eliminate the voltage potentially coming from another source. When I turn off the inverter it quickly drops back off to 0.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There is a power supply which is to keep the electronics running even if the battery is disconnected. It is lower than the battery Voltage so it wouldn't charge the battery if the charger is off.
Once you choose to turn the inverter off, then it no longer needs to be powered at all and so the internal power supply turns of too.

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skroland86 avatar image skroland86 commented ·

Thanks for the response. Makes sense. I had all the DC wiring connected, except for the batteries, so it was outputting 8-9v to the RV and was concerned with that harming some of the DC systems. Ill put a disconnect on that line to isolate the inverter from my DC distribution (Lynx distributer) in case I ever need to run the inverter on pass through and completely kill my DC side.

For now I will connect the batteries and turn the charger back on.

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